Looking for leather cleaning in Doncaster. You have found us.
We all know that leather is a high quality natural material that is pretty tough. It does need looking after though.
We will clean and protect your leather sofa with all the skill and care that you would expect from a top quality local Doncaster firm.
Leather cleaning
Leather cleaning at it’s best by your local leather cleaners.

We all want our leather furniture to look great.
After all, we spent a lot of money on it and spend hours choosing the right leather suite to fit in with the home.
It’s not the looks that count though. Your leather needs to be deep down cleaned and treated for it to last you for years.
Why is that? Well every time you open a door or sit on your leather sofa tiny particles of dust and grit land on it.
Some are pollen etc and some are tiny sharp pieces of grit and sand. They come from our clothes and from the environment.
These tiny pieces of grit scratch the leather every time you move. It’s like sand paper scratching away at the surface.
These need to be removed by a skilled leather technician using the correct products for your type of leather.
One leather wipe or cream from the shop does not cure all. Or any! You need the correct product to re hydrate your type of leather.
The first thing we do is analyse your leather cleaning needs by looking at your sofa through our microscope.
Doncaster leather cleaners
When all this is done we apply a professional leather protector.
This will coat your sofa with a film that will help reduce any damage until the next clean.
It leaves a film that gets scratched instead of the leather so that the next time the leather cleaning technician visit’s the film is removed and less damage is seen in the cleaning process.
Professional leather care in Doncaster
It’s important to remember that if you want top keep your leather in great condition it needs cleaning.
Even when you can’t see the soil or the grit you can be sure it is there. Damaging your leather furniture.

When we talk about Leather Cleaning it’s not enough to pick the first person out of the phone book or off the internet.
When it comes to having your valuable leather sofa or chair cleaned you need to know exactly who you are dealing with and what training they have done.
Some furniture these days is covered, sometimes in part. In a fabric called microfibre.
It can look very much like leather.
If you are not sure if you have microfibre or leather, no problem. we will tell you.
We are happy to clean these types of popular suites too, although they come under upholstery cleaning really.
Aircraft leather leaners in Doncaster
Cleaning airplane seats interiors is a large part of the work we do.
This sort of work is very specialised because of the different stresses the leather leather is exposed to.
Cleaning leather aircraft cockpits, private jets and commercial aircraft seats is a regular job for us.
Aircraft suffer from a lot of exposure to harmful ultra violate light. They are sitting on the tarmac in some sunny place most of the time.
Even in dull weather the light is focused on leather seats and dashboards.
This causes all sorts of damage to the leather. It needs regular cleaning and feeding to protect it from the sun damage., and the expence of repair.
Again this a specialised job that needs the right techniques and products to cope with the exposure to the sun. We can do that for you.
Call today for a great local leather cleaning