Sanitising, Disinfection and Odour Removal Doncaster
Coronavirus along with all the other pathogens and general germs we encounter every day. Are becoming a major issue. This article is about Sanitising, Disinfection and Odour Removal Doncaster.
First of all. We have all been recently informed of the increasing risk of the possible coronavirus pandemic affecting us all. Because there has never been a more important time to sit up and take action. We offer effective disinfecting cleaning services
Because it is crucial for us to maintain good personal hygiene (covering our mouths when sneezing and washing our hands), additional protection measures MUST be taken to ensure that influenza does not spread through contaminated objects and surfaces.
At Merlin Clean we offer professional sanitising and disinfection services that will deal with these pathogens.
The process is done by us and is in the form of an atomised product. It is fogged by us and does not leave your area wet.
It does not take very long with our equipment either.
Duty of care – could you prove you did everything you could?
Before I go into the technical side of this service. I just want you to think what the out come would be if you had an outbreak of coronavirus food poisoning or any other issue. Because any bacterial related issue that could be traced back to your trampoline park, gym, restaurant, surgery, tattoo parlour, children’s play area, kitchens and all those things that we all get involved in every day.
It could close your business. Right there. Then if you did get clearance to re open, who would come?
Now for a bit on the technical side – Sanitising, Disinfection and Odour Removal Doncaster
The Antimicrobial we use in the process is called Formula 429. It is the recent winner of NHS infection control trials through Smart Solutions for Healthcare Acquired Infection Control. It is made by CHEMSPEC EUROPE.
Disinfecting cleaning services
Because coronavirus, Swine Flu (influenza) and other possible pandemics have the potential to severely affect UK Business. Their employees and their families. And requires specific planning over and above that made for disasters. It is generally recommended the planning focuses on:
• Raising employees awareness of the threat
of a pandemic and testing staff preparedness
• Maintaining health surveillance and
hygiene measures
• Producing action plans that are specific to each of the business’s locations, taking into account local healthcare provision and
regulatory systems governing drug licensing and stockpiling
• Enhancing protection for high risk and
vulnerable employees.
Coronavirus can strike anywhere at anytime
Spreads rapidly to affect most countries and regions around the world. And currently has no known cure. Merlin clean can help you with Sanitising, Disinfection and Odour Removal Doncaster.
coronavirus has been described as part of the flu type family of viruses. Unlike the “ordinary” flu that occurs every winter in the UK, pandemic flu can occur at any time of year. Pandemic flu is much more serious than “ordinary” flu. As much as a quarter of the
population may be affected – possibly more.
Sanitising, Disinfection and Odour Removal Doncaster
Coronavirus is likely to cause the same symptoms as ordinary flu but the symptoms may be more severe because nobody will have
any immunity or protection against this particular virus. Swine influenza or “Swine Flu”.
is a contagious disease caused by mutation in influenza A viruses.
Trust us, trust our products. We use Formula 429 made by
CHEMSPEC EUROPE. 6/5/09 19:57:51
Formula 429 is the simple single answer
Infection control Doncaster.
During a pandemic the business should seek to reduce the overall and specific risks to members of staff by taking appropriate
infection control actions (e.g. strengthening guidance on hand washing, unnecessary contact such as hand shaking and isolation
of any member of staff with symptoms such as coughing).
In summary, staff should:
• Avoid close contact
• Staying at home when sick or sickening
What else can you do?
• Covering completely with disposable tissues mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing sanitising hands afterwards
• Cleaning hands regularly
• Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Additional protection measures must be taken to ensure that influenza does not spread through contaminated objects and surfaces. Such as handles, railings and counters.
Surfaces touched by hands such as phone, table tops, toilet areas etc. should be cleaned at least daily using Formula 429 products.
Infection due to influenza ‘A/H1N1 swine’ – To minimise the likelihood of transmission – there is potential
risk from large droplet spread.
(Range approx. 1 metre) and potential Risk through direct contact or commonly touched surfaces.
Formula 429 –
The ideal antimicrobial to help with protection from potential risks.
Formula 429, a recent winner of NHS infection control trials through Smart Solutions for Healthcare Acquired Infection Control, is an ideal choice for all your requirements to reduce
transmissions from human to human and kill the virus on surfaces.
More reasons to use Merlin clean and 429.
• STRONG Independently tested
against the virus amongst many
• SAFE for humans, works on a
nanoscopic scale similar to the virus.
Too small to harm people.
Has no significant impact on the
• SURFACES Formula 429 has
4 biocides and a polymer backbone
which offers ongoing residual efficacy
(works for weeks/months after
• WET or DRY the unique hydrophobic
properties allows Formula 429 to
work on wet or dry surfaces.
• HANDS Tested to EN1500 with
30min. to 16 hours control.
Outperforms leading alcohol and
triclosan brands.
• AIR Can be fogged (ULV Fogger)
offering complete fabric of the room
decontamination if required.
Sanitising and Disinfection
The Product is applied into the area to be sanitised and disinfected with our CE approved Fogging machine as a fine light fog.
Fog allows the atomised product to get everywhere and guarantee complete room decontamination.
Including mattresses, carpet cleaning, soft furniture even ventilation systems. It is the only way to make the treated area perfectly hygienic.
The area is back in use in 30 minutes after treatment. Formula 429 applied in the correct way will kill 99.9999% of bacteria. We are also offer single item disinfection, please contact us for free no obligation quote.
4 – Biocides
2 – Instant Kill and Residual Efficacy
9 – Nanoscopic Level Activity
Independently tested against the A/H1N1 swine flu virus amongst Mycobaclerium, Tuberculosis, MRSA. Medical Waste Treatment, Feline Calicivirus (Human Norovirus surrogate), Feline Coronavirus (SARA surrogate). Enveloped and non-enveloped virus, HIV and C.difficile.
Safe for humans. Works on a nanoscopic scale similar to the virus. Too small to harm people.
Has no significant impact on the environment.
It has 4 biocides and a polymer backbone which offers ongoing residual efficacy (works for weeks/months after application).
The unique hydrophobic properties allows Formula 429 to work on wet or dry surfaces.
Fogged into the air Formula 429 offers complete room decontamination as it kills bacteria and virus on contact.
What are the benefits for domestic customers?
So We would highly recommend sanitising sanitised and disinfected everything you buy new or second hand as you don’t know the item’s history and it’s level of hygiene.
We can sanitise and disinfect the whole house you live in or have just purchased. Your car or mobile home, baby cot, baby pram, bins etc. So we can sanitise everything. Because we provide you with certificate that the area or the item has been treated with NHS approved antimicrobial Formula 429.
Consequently you have proved your duty of care requirements. Certainly, you can not be told you could have done more to protect your employees and clients.
What are the benefits for commercial clients?
Commercial premises such as care homes, rental properties, hotels, nurseries, offices, schools, public transportation (trains, buses, aircrafts). Because restaurants and kids playground are always in high risk of being contaminated by bacteria.
Sanitising, Disinfection and Odour Removal Doncaster Along with disease-causing microbes (pathogens, germs or bugs) which are responsible for causing infectious diseases. Is the only way to be sure of protection.
Finally, we can sanitise and disinfect your premises for you on regular bases or as a one off service. Because we will provide you with certificate saying that the premises has been treated with NHS approved antimicrobial Formula 429. You can prove your duty of care.
More about Sanitising and Disinfection

Disinfecting cleaning services
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